Spinach is one of the most popular vegetables used in salads and cooking. It can be grown at home, but it requires careful planning to ensure that you have a bountiful harvest each year. Whether you are looking for baby spinach leaves or mature plants ready to harvest, here’s your guide to growing 10 different varieties of this hearty green!
Spinach is a vegetable that is typically grown in gardens. It can be found in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. This list includes pictures of 10 different types of spinach to grow in your backyard. Read more in detail here: pictures of different kinds of spinach.
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Growing spinach in your own garden might be much more rewarding than you would expect. Learning about the numerous sorts of spinach that you may cultivate, on the other hand, may seem to be a daunting task. Thankfully, we’ve got your back. Learn more about the advantages and kinds of spinach by reading on!
If you grew up watching Popeye, you’re probably well aware of the many health advantages spinach provides.
Aside from the jokes, it wasn’t completely a lie. Even if your biceps don’t suddenly enlarge, you’ll see improvements in your hair, complexion, digestive system, and cardiovascular health.
Spinach, which belongs to the same family as beets, chard, and quinoa, has large green leaves that provide aesthetic value to any garden. The iron content of this leafy green vegetable is particularly well-known. It has a wide range of culinary applications and may be used in a variety of meals.
Spinach Varieties
Spinach may be divided into three categories in general:
- Spinach from Savoy
- Leaf spinach, smooth
- Semi – Spinach from Savoy
With various differing elements, they are all unique in their own ways. Each of the Spinach Varieties mentioned above can further be classified into more categories, all of which have been discussed in detail below.
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1. Spinach from Savoy
Botanically classified as Spinacia oleracea, Spinach from Savoy is an heirloom variety. By the looks of it, these Spinach Varieties have curly and crinkly leaves, thus also making them famously known as the “curly leaf spinach”. The crinkled leaves along with their habit of growing close to the ground might make cleaning a tedious task.
The dark green leaves may reach a height of 5 – 6 inches and have a crisp texture and a bitter taste. Their flavor is somewhat different from that of regular spinach leaves.
Since it remains unsuitable for growth in warm regions, Spinach from Savoy grows best in the cooler regions of California as it can withstand cold better than most varieties. Available throughout the year, it can be harvested as soon as it reaches an edible size.
Because of their bitter flavor, these leaves are best consumed cooked rather than raw. The younger, more sensitive leaves, on the other hand, may be utilized in salads and sandwiches.
Since the leaves are thick, they can be cooked for longer periods of time without losing their shape or texture. Spinach from Savoy also makes an amazing substitute for other greens like kale, collards, and chard.
Spinach from Savoy can further be classified into two Spinach Varieties:
Spinach Regiment
Harvest time for this hybrid cultivar is around 37 days. It has thick, wide leaves that are formed like arrowheads when completely developed. Even at their maximum size, these deep green leaves remain exceedingly sensitive.
Spinach Regiment shows robust germination and seedling performance during the initial stages. Usually cultivated during the spring and fall seasons, this variety is slow to bolt and can resist mildew. Since they remain tender, they can be served fresh in salads or even sauteed or braised to add crunch.
Spinach from Bloomsdale
Bloomsdale is the oldest Spinach from Savoy variety today, with a history of about 200 years. It is usually ready to harvest under 45 days and is known to handle cold better than most other varieties.
Since this variety can bolt particularly fast, it is important to harvest it in late spring or early summer. With an average growth rate, Spinach from Bloomsdale has long, glossy leaves featuring a texture like succulents.
This traditional savoy has four times the beta carotene present in broccoli and has a rich earthy taste. It’s also high in folic acid and iron and may be added to salads after a little heating.
2. Leaf spinach, smooth
Justifying its name, the Leaf spinach, smooth features flat and smooth leaves. This is the reason why it is also sometimes called the “flat-leaf spinach”. The smoothness of these leaves also makes this variety the easiest to clean.
In contrast to the Spinach from Savoy variety, these leaves have a mild, subtle, and sweet flavor. They are shaped like spades and have a tender texture. If the leaves of this variety are picked at an early stage, they give an even sweeter taste. These are called “baby spinach”.
It’s finest eaten fresh, although it’s also available in canned, frozen, or processed form. In fact, this kind is great for processing since it produces more in less time, lasts longer, and is easier to clean. It’s normally sold either unwashed or pre-washed and wrapped.
These Spinach Varieties can be further divided into two:
Spinach should be spread out.
With a maturation period of about 40 days, this hybrid produces round, spoon-like thick leaves. Since they stand upright and are flat, they are easy to clean and have a tangy, crisp flavor. Spinach should be spread out. is slightly sensitive to acidity in the soil. Also, it requires moist and fertile soil with a pH level between 6.5 to 7.5.
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Because this cultivar can survive high temperatures, it bolts more slowly than other smooth-leaved kinds. It is resistant to both bolting and downy mildew (races 1–3), as well as the Cladosporium leaf spot.
Spinach with red cardinals
Spinach with red cardinals features oval to slightly oblong, medium green leaves. The maroon veins and deep beet–red stems add a striking contrast to the entire plant making it stand out from its neighbors. Usually harvested in 25 – 30 days, they can also be used as baby greens in salads.
Because this spinach type is the fastest to bolt, it needs a temperature range of 45 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Even in a tiny garden, this temperature range, along with around 6 hours of sunshine and a modest quantity of water, may allow this plant to flourish.
Because they lose their brilliant red color when steamed, braised, roasted, or cooked, it’s best to consume them fresh, like in salads. They may be eaten raw or cooked, and the flavor can be enhanced by adding Indian or Middle Eastern spices.
3. Semi – Spinach from Savoy
“Savoy” in itself, refers to a large group of Spinach Varieties that have a crinkly leaf texture. Thus, this automatically implies that the Semi – Spinach from Savoy inculcates partially crinkled leaves. Their texture is also attributed to them being a kind of hybrid between the Spinach from Savoy and Leaf spinach, smooth.
These Spinach Varieties have culinary uses and a crispy texture similar to Spinach from Savoy. But since the leaves are only partially wrinkled and grow upright from the ground level, they are much easier to clean.
The most distinctive feature about Semi – Spinach from Savoy is its ability to resist diseases and bolting. As compared to all the other kinds, this type has the highest resistance to both of them thus making it an ideal variety to be gardened in your backyard.
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The Semi – Spinach from Savoy has four main categorizations under it:
In locations with moderate winters, tyee may be harvested at any time of year. They need 35–45 days to mature, with daily temperatures hovering around 40 degrees.
This type has dark green leaves that are hefty and oval in shape. They are distinguished by their distinctive perfume and stand erect.
It is resistant to downy mildew, particularly races 1 and 3, and to a wide range of other diseases that damage spinach plants.
Catalina, also known as baby leaf spinach, is ready to harvest after 48 days. During the summer, this plant can withstand mild cold and shade.
The leaves of this cultivar are thick and silky. They have a spear-like form and are somewhat bent. They have a somewhat nutty taste and are resistant to bolting. Its leaves is also suitable for culinary use because to its structure.
Teton is a cultivar that takes 40–45 days to develop and enjoys temperatures between 50°F and 60°F. It grows best in a fertile, wet soil, which may be accomplished using organic fertilizers.
The sensitive, upright plant with a moderate taste and nice texture grows from smooth, dark green leaves. These leaves are slow to bolt and resistant to races 1, 2, 3, and 4 of downy mildew. They are accessible all year and have excellent nutritional value, with plenty of vitamins A, C, and B-complex.
Summer in India
The Summer in India spinach might suit experienced gardeners better due to their requirement of maintenance. It takes 40 – 45 days to fully mature with flat but slightly curled leaves that are somewhat smooth in texture. In full bloom, these leaves can grow up to 10 – 12 inches long.
These Spinach Varieties are exceptionally resistant to bolting and are produced throughout three seasons – summer, fall, and spring.
Alternative Spinach Varieties
This section discusses two other Spinach Varieties that are ideal for growth in hotter weather as compared to the varieties mentioned above.
1. Spinach from New Zealand
This cultivar is endemic to New Zealand, as its name implies. It’s an annual plant that doesn’t belong to the same family as regular spinach.
This type grows well in hot weather and thrives as a summer vegetable. As a result, it is accessible when the other types are unavailable owing to their harsh flavor or summer bolting. This cultivar, with its upright growth, may also be seen growing naturally along sandy shorelines.
The plant grows vertically to the ground, with stems that may reach 2–4 feet in length. The plant is sensitive and weak even when fully grown, with tiny, fuzzy, dark green leaves that have a crisp and juicy feel.
These triangular leaves are so fragile that when cooked, they crumble to mush or even melt within the mouth when chewed. When they reach a length of around 3 inches, they must be picked.
Depending on where it’s grown, New Zealand spinach is known by a variety of names. Botany Bay spinach, Cook’s cabbage, sea spinach, and Kokihi are some of the other names for it.
2. Spinach from Malabar
The Malabar spinach has a delicate stem as well as glossy leaves that are both tasty. With a semi-succulent, mucilaginous texture, these leaves are formed wonderfully anywhere between an oval and a heart.
This kind, in contrast to the others, requires a lot of heat to flourish. It is a member of the Basellaceae family that originated in tropical Asia. Malabar spinach can withstand both hot and cold weather, as well as heavy rain.
These plants are divided into two species: Basella Alba, which has green stemmed leaves, and Basella Ruba, which has red stemmed leaves. After 55–70 days, the plant is normally ready to harvest when the stem reaches a height of 6–8 inches. It also has a hint of citrus and a somewhat peppery taste.
This type, like New Zealand spinach, is called by several names in different parts of the country. In Thailand, it’s known as Paag Prung; in Vietnam, it’s known as Mong Toi; in English-speaking nations, it’s known as Vietnamese spinach, and so on.
Now that you know about all the major Spinach Varieties, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and buy the seeds of the type that appealed to you the most and plant away to your heart’s content!
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“Savoy spinach” is a type of spinach that is grown in the United States. It can be found in the market year-round and has dark green leaves with a slightly crinkled texture. ” Reference: savoy spinach.
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